Keywords: surface hardening, strengthening effect, semigraphical method


The features of the influence of residual stresses and mechanical properties of the hardened layer of metal on the tired strength of smooth parts and the details of the stress concentrators are considered. The necessity of a differentiated account of residual stresses and mechanical properties of reinforced metal layer to provide the desired strengthening effect is shown. Graphic analytical method for determining the effect of strengthening, which allows the design stage and finishing of the prototype machine reasonably select the desired strengthening of the technological factor is proposed.


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How to Cite
V. S. Kravchuk, DashchenkoА. F., and LimarenkoА. М., “COMPUTER MODELING AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS TELESCOPIC BOOM TRUCK CRANE”, Збірник наукових праць Одеської державної академії технічного регулювання та якості, no. 1 (8), pp. 79-82, Jun. 2016.