Keywords: double wishbone suspension, roll center, vehicle dynamics, racecar


The paper considers a method for developing a formula that allows one to determine the relationship between the geometric and kinematic parameters of a double-wishbone suspension of a car on its roll angle when cornering. The method for determining the formula is described in detail. Test verification models were built in the computer-aided design system to verify the results obtained. For the first time, mathematical dependencies were derived to determine the change in the roll angles of the car depending on the geometric parameters of the suspension, and the basic parameters of the car's movement. Calculations of the dependencies between the coordinates of the points of attachment of the suspension arms to the frame and the steering knuckle, respectively, on the roll angle of the car in the corner have been performed.


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How to Cite
L. Kolomiets, V. Khamray, O. Lymarenko, A. Bazhanova, and A. Ponomarenko, “DEVELOPMENT OF A FORMULA OF DEPENDENCE BETWEEN VEHICLE GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS AND DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS”, Збірник наукових праць Одеської державної академії технічного регулювання та якості, no. 2(19), pp. 31-37, Dec. 2021.