Keywords: organizational design, organizational and informational design, educational services, quality of educational services, organizational structure of technical universities, coordination mechanisms of activities of institutions of higher education.


The educational services provided to applicants for higher education in accordance with the Law of Ukraine on Education and the Law of Ukraine on Higher Education are analyzed in the article. The provision of educational services as a separate type of commercial activity, where the leading role is played by the quality of educational services as a key point of competitiveness is defined. The general approach and a kind of organizational design of institutions of higher education which corresponds to the necessary commercial character of their activity is offered; the content and structure of organizational and information design of technical institutions of higher education are determined; the role of each structure in the coordination of the functioning of higher education institutions and the differences in the coordination mechanisms used by them (information links) are analyzed; it is shown that one of the differences in terms of organizational design of technical institutions of higher education from ordinary commercial organizations is the presence of legally defined collegial and advisory authorities at all hierarchical levels of the organizational structure; it is proposed on the basis of these authorities to create a new coordination mechanism that allows the transformation of existing information links into a single information flow of decision-making, thus eliminating contradictions in their approaches, which will coordinate the activities of all departments to maximize the achievement of expected learning outcomes. The general structure of organizational design of technical institution of higher education and the simplified example (variant) of the coordination mechanism of activity of the specified structures are given. Further development of the proposed approach to the organizational design of institution of higher education is the study of the quality of processes that provide coordination mechanisms (information links) and the development of methods for estimating their quality and quality of educational services.


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How to Cite
S. L. Volkov, L. V. Kolomiets, O. I. Kiseleva, and ProkopenkoА. М., “ORGANIZATIONAL AND INFORMATION DESIGN OF TECHNICAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS”, Збірник наукових праць Одеської державної академії технічного регулювання та якості, no. 1(16), pp. 6-13, Oct. 2020.